Singer Sowing Machine[Japanese

Gilbert O'sullivan Singer Sowing Machine[Japanese專輯

4.Break A Leg 2

Met me a girl the other week long blonde hair lips you could eat
she thanked me for the drinks i bought and said the train that
she ought to have caught had probably left i heard a voice
Y you lucky bugger break a leg all my life i've tried to avert
incidents where, i could be hurt at school they taught me right
from wrong no harm in being a weakling as long as long as you
use y
Ead yet on the stage if you want to succeed the thing to do is
break a leg why not an arm why not a toe why only one when one
as you know is not quite complete to do that you need one more
Rd you take it from me on my winter hols i love to ski but
rather than go down too fast and end up with my face alas
covered in egg i do as my instructor says get on that piste and
break a leg w
T an arm not a chin what's so clever about breaking your leg so
to speak how would your feet then grow i went to do the other
night could hardly drink cause i had to drive and just as i was
Leave a chap got up and spoke
To me here's what he said i hear your leaving that's a shame its
good to see you glad you came before you go from all of us here
a safe journey home now break a leg